


My new laser cutter didn’t seem to work. I tried all of the usual troubleshooting steps. Then, I got the idea to use a special kind of tool. Behind the scenes All of the sound effects you hear are ones that I added: “in post.” The footsteps, the laser cutter, and (obviously) the lightsaber were all recorded separately. I used the Adobe After Effects plugin Saber from Video Copilots to do the glow. If you…

Here are 8 questions you’ve sent in. Rare (at least, up until now) video of James talking unscripted. Questions answered in this video: 1. Why does AC change direction?2. What do home appliances run on?3. Is Analog or Digital More Accurate?4. When do you use Pull-down resistors?5. Difference between LM7805 and LM7812?6. What diode to pick for a motor’s flyback diode?7. Does James draw his own Animations?8. What does “AddOhms” mean?

<br /> This Addohms Brushed DC Motor Tutorial goes into the third dimension! Using a variety of 3D models, we show you what makes a brushed DC motor, a brushed DC motor. Then, like usual, we break two simple ways to control them with a microcontroller like the Arduino. You can use a single BJT Transistor (remember those from #10?), build your own H-Bridge, or use a popular H-Bridge chip. Brushed DC Motors Show Notes This…

Video Do electrons flow from positive to negative? Or do they flow from negative to positive? This AddOhms tutorial looks at the difference between Conventional Flow and Electron Flow. James also addresses whether or not his drawings are incorrect. Current Flow Direction Show Notes Ben Franklin by Duplessis 20 [via wikicommons] Four Current Flow Myths 68 [via]

Video Switching regulators make use of the energy storage properties of capacitors and inductors. A transistor, or switch, controls the charging and discharging. This method makes for an efficient regulator but can be difficult to design. Show Notes Here are links to the products mentioned in AddOhms #18: LM3671 Buck Controller from Texas Instruments LM3671 Breakout board from Adafruit PowerBoost 1000 (boost converter) from Adafruit VERTER (buck-boost converter) from Adafruit These are articles related to…

3 Years ago…It’s hard to believe, but only three years ago I posted the first AddOhms Video. The series had a strange start. I tried four different times until I figured out the “whiteboard” style that AddOhms is famous for today.It’s funny because when I go back to the first four episodes, they are hard for me to watch, but continue to be popular. Regardless, I so appreciate the support of Fans and look forward…

The LM7805 is a very popular voltage regulator. Curious about how it works? In this AddOhms Tutorial, we look at what is a Linear Voltage Regulator and how to use them in your circuits. Linear Voltage Regulators Show Notes Related Datasheets LM7805 [Fairchild] NCP1117 [On Semiconductor] PIR Sensor [Adafruit] Interesting Links Written Tutorial on Regulators [] TO-220 Information [Wikipedia] TO-220 Heatsink [Adafruit] Choosing the right LDO [All About Circuits] National Instruments (NI), is probably best known for the LabVIEW software and modular instruments. In the past few years, they have introduced more innovative test and measurement products than any other T&M manufacturer, at least, in our opinion. Their latest box is called the “VirtualBench.” It’s a lab’s worth of equipment in a single box at a reasonable price. It combines a DMM, Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Power Supply, and Function Generator into a single…

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