


AddOhms is an electronics YouTube channel. It started with short animated tutorials to explain electronics concepts. Over the years, it has grown in audience and topics. If you want to learn more about electronics, discuss design tips, make PCBs, or see the latest gear, then check out the videos below. James, also known as the Bald Engineer, hosts the channel and does weekly live streams.

3 Years ago…It’s hard to believe, but only three years ago I posted the first AddOhms Video. The series had a strange start. I tried four different times until I figured out the “whiteboard” style that AddOhms is famous for today.It’s funny because when I go back to the first four episodes, they are hard for me to watch, but continue to be popular. Regardless, I so appreciate the support of Fans and look forward…

One of the features of a channel page on YouTube is a trailer video. It’s a chance to introduce people who aren’t familiar with your channel. Subscribers won’t see it, only non-subscribers. To help explain AddOhms, we’ve created an introduction video. This replaces the first one where I introduced AddOhms from my lab. Since AddOhms is more about the drawing than a bald engineer on camera, I thought it made since to create an AddOhms-style…

I posted my first AddOhms video on YouTube on March 9, 2013. While in Germany on business, I ended the work week with dinner with some local friends. On our way to dinner I got the following comment notification. View fullsize When I posted that first AddOhms video I had no idea how many more I’d make. In fact, I was afraid I’d run out of ideas after 3 or 4. With the success…

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