BJTs as Transistor Switches | AddOhms #10

The two most popular kinds of transistors you might use for a project are either BJTs or MOSFETs.  With so many options, it was tough to pick just a few.  

We covered the 2n3904 in this video.  What BJTs are your favorites and why?  Leave a comment below.

Transistors are electronic switches that are used to control things that would kill an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or Beaglebone.  There are two major types known as a BJT and MOSFET.  This is part 1 of a two part series, which looks at BJTs first.

Learn what they are and how to use them.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the AddOhms YouTube channel to know when Part 2 on MOSFETs is released!

Episode Notes

Suggested links for Ep10:

Inside a NPN BJT

<img src=”” alt=”” /> has an awesome picture of the die inside of a Fairchild S9014 BJT NPN. has a ton of other great images, check out their bare die pictures.

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